Getting Nailed! Can nail art be magic?

After reaching my limit with expensive manicures that didn’t last and the hassle of press-on nails that just wouldn’t stick around (🤣), I decided to take up doing my own nails. Naturally my weird brain had to know what is up with the history of humanities fascination with nails? What weird little spiritual facts do they have? What is our obsession with this bizarre ritual and what must it  look like to aliens? 

Turns out, the practice of decorating nails goes way back, with roots in ancient traditions and cultures. And interestingly, it's not all just about aesthetics—there’s a spiritual side to it as well.

Any witch worth their salt circle could probably guess that the colors and designs we choose can carry intentions and even manifest energy. Before I touch on that let's look into some weird nail history:

Ancient Manicures: The practice of manicuring nails dates back thousands of years. Ancient Babylonian warriors would actually manicure and paint their nails with kohl before going into battle, with different colors signifying ranks.

Nail Polish in Space: In 2019, nail polish went to space. Astronaut Christina Koch received a delivery of nail polish aboard the International Space Station, proving that the desire for self-expression and perhaps a bit of normalcy extends beyond Earth.

Edible Nail Polish: In 2016, a company actually produced an edible nail polish for KFC in Hong Kong. It came in two flavors: Original, and Hot and Spicy. Yes, it was designed to taste like chicken.

The Origin of the French Manicure: Despite its name, the French manicure was invented in the United States. It was popularized by Jeff Pink, the founder of the nail polish brand Orly, in the 1970s as a versatile look that could complement any outfit or style.

Fish Scale Nail Polish: In ancient Egypt, some nail polishes were made from ground-up fish scales to give them a shimmering effect. This highlights the lengths to which societies have gone to achieve the perfect nail aesthetic.

Male Polish: In ancient China, around 3000 BC, it wasn't just women who painted their nails. Noblemen and emperors also colored their nails, using gold and silver to signify their status.

Nail Polish for Health: In the past, nail polish was not just for decoration. Some cultures believed it could ward off illness or was even made with ingredients thought to have health benefits.

The Psychological Effect: Studies have shown that nail art can boost mood and confidence. For many, the process of choosing designs and colors is a form of self-care and personal expression that can have a positive impact on mental well-being.

Okay, okay, whatever right? Enough about all that. You guys really care about the magics. The woo woo. The good old fashioned Hocus Pocus. How can our little paw polish aid in magic and manifestation?

Symbols and Sigils: Painting symbols, sigils, or specific designs on your nails can serve as a form of spellwork. These symbols can represent your intentions, desires, or protections, acting as a constant reminder and visual focus for manifesting these into your life. Each time you see your nails, you reinforce the spell's power.

Moon Phases: Aligning the painting of your nails with lunar phases can enhance your spiritual practice. For example, painting your nails in a new growth or intention-setting design during the New Moon, or a releasing and cleansing style during the Full Moon, can harmonize your personal energies with the lunar cycle.

Intention Setting: Before painting your nails, you can set specific intentions or say affirmations related to the colors or designs you choose. This process turns the act of painting your nails into a meditative, intention-setting ritual, charging the nail polish with your energy and purpose.

Chakra Alignment: The colors associated with the seven chakras (energy centers in the body) can be used in nail painting to focus on balancing or activating a specific chakra. For instance, painting your nails indigo or purple can be aimed at enhancing intuition and spiritual awareness, correlating with the Third Eye Chakra.

Seasonal and Ritual Celebrations: Painting your nails in colors or designs that correspond with specific seasonal celebrations, Sabbats, or Esbats in pagan traditions, for example, can be a way to honor these times of the year and integrate their energies into your personal practice.

Protection and Warding: Similar to wearing amulets or carrying talismans, painting your nails with specific colors or symbols intended for protection can serve as a personal shield against negative energies or intentions.

Personal Growth and Renewal: Just as nails continuously grow, they can symbolize personal growth and the idea of constant renewal or regeneration in one's life. Trimming or cutting nails can represent shedding old habits or thoughts and embracing new growth and opportunities.

Jumping into the history of nail adornment, you realize it's way more than just a splash of color. It's a dive into history, a nod to warriors, astronauts, and a touch of the mystical. It ties us back to some ancient practices, spells out our vibes, and even helps us feel a bit brighter. It's kind of amazing to think that with every dab of polish, you're connecting with traditions that go back centuries, and just maybe making a little magic happen too. 

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1 comment

Hey this was really interesting. I’m intrigued to now start doing this. I’ve always worn my nails naturally without adorning them, however, I might try doing some art work with intention throughout the year.
Great column.

Amy Duncan

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